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User question:

What impact does sexual activity have on the incidence and management of leadless pacemaker-related complications such as device dislodgement or infection in patients implanted with the Aveir VR?

GPT4o answer:

Sexual activity, like any other physical activity, has the potential to impact the incidence and management of leadless pacemaker-related complications such as device dislodgement or infection in patients implanted with the Aveir VR. Here are some key considerations and potential impacts:

Incidence of Device Dislodgement

  1. Physical Strain:

  2. Anatomical Considerations:

Incidence of Infection

  1. Hygiene and Care:

  2. Immune Response:

Management Considerations

  1. Patient Education:

  2. Follow-Up Care:

  3. Psychosocial Factors:


While sexual activity itself is not inherently a high-risk factor for leadless pacemaker complications, it involves physical exertion and potential skin contact that can influence the incidence and management of device dislodgement and infection. Proper patient education, personalized activity guidelines, and regular follow-up care are essential to minimize risks and manage any complications effectively.

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